Sunday, October 30, 2016

Newsletter 10-30-16

Happy Halloween weekend 2D families!
It was so great meeting with many of you this week during conferences! I can't wait to meet with many of you this week as well! As you saw in Friday folders this weekend, we have a field trip on November 16th. Please return the permission slip to school as soon as possible. If you would like your child to order a school lunch, please email me and I will speak with your child about lunch choices and send the form to the cafeteria! We are in need of one more chaperone for the Strawberry Banke fieldtrip! Please email me if you are interested! 
We have started our unit on Non Fiction and the students are loving it! We began by exploring maps, charts and labeled pictures of various subjects to see what we can learn from just pictures. We then went to the library out books that interested us and we have been diving into non fiction books and learning about these types of books. We have been especially working on taking our time through these books and taking notes about what each part of the book is teaching us. 
We continue to work on our realistic fiction stories but also focusing on our handwriting and writing stamina. We will be moving into non fiction writing soon! 
We wrapped up unit 2 and the students did so well using the different strategies they have learned to solve addition problems with bigger numbers. The students are using number lines, number grids, double ten frames, frames and arrows and name boxes. Please continue to review math facts to ten and twenty at home, as it helps students learn these new concepts much quicker!
Pumpkin Bash
The students had a fun filled day of pumpkin learning on Friday. We began with pumpkin poems where we demonstrated our comprehension through illustrations in our poetry book. We then explored our pumpkin with pumpkin math. We estimated how many seeds we thought would be in our pumpkin and then we counted our seeds. The students quickly figured out that counting by ones was not the easiest way. Many students began counting by tens. The rest of the day was filled with so much fun from our mystery reader and spooky writing to decorating our pumpkins! Thank you to those who sent healthy snacks in for the students to enjoy and for those of you who devoted some time to helping decorate the pumpkins! The students had a lot of fun and it couldn't have been done without your help of sending in pumpkins and helping out! "This was the best day ever"- Dragonfly 

Don't forget Wednesday November 2nd is an early release for Teacher/Family Conferences! 
Have a safe and fun Trick-or-Treating night!

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