Monday, May 9, 2016

Newsletter 5/6/16

We had a fantastic week in the Dragonfly class. We started rehearsing for our pirate play and exploring with plants. We also started a new math unit and worked so hard on Mother's Day gifts. With Bike to School day on Friday we came to school energized and ready to wrap up our week! We were very busy. I hope you had a great weekend!
We have been working on understanding characters better in our series books. As we meet in book clubs we are looking closely at the similarities between books and characters the series. We are paying attention to the things that stay the same and the things that change. It has been so fun to be reading the same books as our peers are and engage in conversation about our reading. 
We continue to work on poetry and crafting our writing so that we paint a picture in the minds of the readers rather than telling. We talked about using honest and precise words and writing about big topics with strong feelings.
We have been talking about about seeds and what stages seeds go through in order for a plant to grow. We have also been talking about the different stages of plants as they grown and the parts of plants. We will continue to explore with plants this week and have some hands on experiences!
Word Work
The students are working so hard on their word sorts and we are paying special attention to not only how the word is spelled but what the word actually means. On spelling City they are being quizzed on the meaning of the word and they are then using them in sentences in class. We are growing our vocabulary so that we are ready for third grade!
In math we have been working on geometry and describing shapes by their attributes. We have talked about vertices, angles, line segments, polygons, parallel line, parallelograms, and many different shapes. We have also been working on arrays and beginning multiplication!

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