Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Update on learning from home!

Hi Everyone!
I wanted to give you an update on learning from home! We had a meeting today with admin and the first grade team is compiling more resources for you that we will be sent out by Friday. We are working on things as a team for you and your child to add to your learning from home, such as new bingo boards for reading, writing, math, tech, and outdoor learning! You'll most likely be getting an email from Mrs. Belanger with this information from the whole team! After talking with admin today we were reminded how important it is to pace ourselves and to work through things thoroughly. Working through tasks and using creativity can take more critical thinking than video watching so we are hoping to give you a variety of choices to do with your child. This is a huge learning curve for all of us and I appreicate you being flexible with facetime times and the roll out of plans. 

As for our classroom family, here is my vision: 
I will be trying to facetime each dragonfly once a week for an independent goal setting conference!
In addition, your dragonfly will have a weekly time for a small group video chat. Zoom will be how we are communicating and you will get an email from me with a time we are meeting and a link to bring you to the meeting! I am trying to work with everyone on times and respect that many of you are working from home, so please just let me know if the time does not work for you and we can easily putyour dragonfly into another group. Please download Zoom so your child is ready for their small group meeting! My vision for the zoom calls is to have the students connect with one another but still use our precious time for learning. We will work on vowel sounds, word work, sight word practice, and math to start. Please remind your child that this time is important for our learning and we need to be ready to learn at this time! 
The youtube channel will be a place where you can find short activities for your child to do within your own schedule you created. These will always be available and between facetimes and meetings, I will be recording mini lessons there! I will be posting some things for them to try and some review of topics we need to keep fresh in our brains. 

I would love for you to look into these resources, as they are currently resources I am very interested in using. They are engaging and worth the time! 

Epic Login: 
Go to https://www.getepic.com/students and enter the class code ild2956, after that click their name and you can start reading a lot of different books! Please let me know if you have any questions about Epic! 

Raz Kids!
Raz kids accounts are great for leveled reading. Please have your child use this resource because it is a GREAT one! When you login you will need the teacher username which is sdonlon0. The student name is your child's first name only and the password is the fish icon and the turtle icon! I have put their reading level in and books should come up that are just right and a little easier for them to work on their fluency. 

Please visit Scholasic at https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome/grades-1-2.html and they have it broken down by weeks of virtual field trips and great reading! I checked this out today and it's awesome! 

This is a resource I heard about from a fellow teacher. It is a reading resource where I can monitor student work and responses to reading. Please go to readworks.org/student and enter the class code. ZXR6Y6. The temporary password is 1234. I will be playing around with this resource and wanted to get it out to you as it seems like families are enjoying it! 

Let me know if you have any questions with these resources and I hope you've had a great day! 

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