Monday, March 16, 2020

Please Read: Update On School From Home

Hi Families! 
 Well, I never thought this would be an email I'm writing. As we enter these few weeks of working from home I want to remind you of a few resources that I sent home on Friday with your chilld. Each child has a bag of books that were chosen with them to be reading and practicing some skills in! There was a packet sent home with a letter from me on top and some additional resources within it. These bingo sheets are to provide your child with some options at home to keep engaging in their learning. I want you to know that none of this is required by the school but we highly recommend keeping your child enaged and practicing their math facts and any form or writing or reading. 
I sent home wonder journals for students to continue writing in. These are a great resource for students to go back and edit their own writing or to make new entries. I encourage you to have our child write for atleast 20 minutes a day- we usualy write for an ahour! This can be as simple as them summarizing a movie they watched or making a journal about what they did to stretch their brain that day. I encourage you to set up a schedule for your child each day. On index cards write out different ideas for them to work on or practice or to break up their day and have them arrange it to work through their day independently. I will be making a tutorial video on this and think they would love it- if you want to have them try it out, I think it would be a great and easy way to start with some structure! 

In addition to this, I will be making a Youtube channel to stay connected with the kids! I know they love youtubers and if I can stay connected with them through that and have them work on some extra things at home, I am excited to try! This could range from a check-in,  a mini lesson, or a challenge for them to try. If I'm being completely honest, I have NO idea where to start with this. I will be working to set this up today and will be positing daily links to the blog! Please help your child check the blog daily so they can see these videos! 

I am hoping to create a facetiming schedule with the students. I know this would require an apple device or the use of an iphone and I am hopingto get your thoughts on this. It is a lot to coordinate for 18 schedules but I would love to have one on one conversations with your child to talk about personal goals and picking up where we left off at school, at home. If you are interested in working with me to create a schedule, please email me! This is not required but it is a way that I could individually connect with students and maintain the growth that we were seeing. 

Lastly, I wanted to remind you that there are links on the side of this blog page that are fun resources for students to explore. I also wanted to suggest some differnt apps that you can download or purchase to engage student learning.

Chalkboard Math- Math facts
Sushi Monster- Math facts (crowd favorite)
Moose Math- Math facts
Number Rack- Organizing and sorting numbers
Science360- Science videos
PhonicsNinja- work work
PhonicsGenius- Phonics practice

I will be looking for more apps as well to send a long, the students can probably name their favorties from our math app section of the ipads as well!

I have changed my daily office hour from 9:00am-10:00am daily!

Stay healthy and please let your dragonfly know that I miss them SO much!

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