Monday, February 8, 2016

Newsletter 2/5/16

Hello 2D families! I hope you have enjoyed your TWO snow days! I must say, I can't wait to be back in the classroom and continuing our learning! Here is a wrap up of last week and some reminders for the week to come! 
Friday folders will be going home tomorrow and have class lists inside for valentines. They also have information for logging into Spelling City! Our Valentine's Day celebration will be on Friday, please have your child bring their valentines on Thursday, February 11th. There is an early release on Wednesday, February 10th.
In reading this week we worked on taking notes about our reading so we can talk about what we read and what we wonder with a partner. Students will be reading the same books with a small reading group and talking about their reading and making predictions together. The students are so excited for this and it is going to be so neat watching them work in book clubs.  In order for this to be successful we are practicing how to talk and share about books.
The students have been so proud to share their finished fictional stories. We have spent time looking at the story "The Day The Crayons Quit" and noticing all of the things the author has done to make that such a great fictional story. We will look closely at "The Day The Crayons Came Home" and analyze the author's craft in that story as well. We will work together to create our own "The Day the 2D Crayons _____" fictional story for our classroom. We are going to use the skills we have been working on in writing to help us with this story. This project will be so neat because we are working together for a finished product. Although each student is only responsible for one page of the story they will show their craft of writing and voice in this one page. They will work on making their writing concise, all while adding humor. The students can't wait for this!
This week in math we did a lot of work with open number lines and word problems. This was a challenging task for the students and it allowed us to focus on how important it is to read and determine what it is the problem is asking. We talked about figuring out when a word problem is asking for addition or subtraction. Then we talked about, that when word problems use larger numbers it may be easier to count by 10s or 20s, rather than ones. The students had freedom with how they wanted to count and solve these problems on a number line. It was great to see them problem solving. We will continue to practice open number lines as a center in math. 
Word Work
We launched Spelling City and the students LOVED it! What a great resource! If you are looking for another way for your child to study their weekly word sort words, Spelling City is fun and full of neat games. The students learned how to log in and access their word sorts. I will be uploading their new sorts each week to this program and we will be using the ipads in our classroom as a center during our word work. This is a great resource for homework and an informational sheet with your child's login information will be sent home in their Friday folder tomorrow. 

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