Friday, November 13, 2015

Newsletter 11/13/15

Hello 2D families! Just a reminder that tonight, Friday the 13th at 6:00pm is the Bingo Spaghetti Dinner at SMS. I will see you there! 
This week we focused on becoming experts in one area. We have chosen one non-fiction text about a topic that interests us. We will now find other books about the same topic. It has been so fun to explore these books and compare them to the fictional stories we have read this year. It has been so exciting learning new facts, recording them and making connections. I have been so pleased with how the students have embraced this new unit for reading. They are so serious about becoming experts and the topics are so interesting! They range from snails and slugs to ancient Egypt!
We are wrapping up our Authors as Mentors unit and publishing our stories. The students are so eager to share their stories with the class and we will be making a special share time to show all of the hard work we have done. If you have already been to your conference then you know just how amazing these stories are. If you're conference is this coming week, I can't wait to show you!
We have been working so hard in our Rocks and Minerals unit to think like scientists. Since our rock hunt, questioning and sorting; we have recorded the properties of our favorite rock in our science journals and included illustrations. We will be switching our writing with a partner and the partner has to be able to pick out their partner's favorite rock from a large pile of rocks- with only the descriptive writing to help them! We will soon be moving into our Properties of Matter unit where we can conduct experiments and truly test our scientific thinking.
Social Studies
Our community unit is about to get so exciting! We have visitors from the town of Stratham coming in throughout the upcoming weeks. On Tuesday and Thursday we will have visitors from the Stratham Police Department and Scamman Farm. Next week we will welcome a visitor who has lived in Stratham for their entire life and a speaker from post office.
Word Work
We have been cruising along with our word sorts and truly focusing on taking what we have learned while sorting and applying it to reading and writing. I am so impressed with the additional weekly study words and how well the students are doing! If you are studying the weekly words, continue to do so- it is working! I will begin sending these weekly tests home as I know many of you are wondering how your child does! Thank you for being patient while I figured out my system for this. The differentiated groups are going so well!
Dragonfly News 
Please remember that this coming Wednesday, November 18th is an early release day for teacher-family conferences. Also, on Wednesday the 18th it is "Dress as you'll be day", feel free to have your child dress as they would in their future desired career! We will be visiting the SMS book fair on Thursday, December 3rd. This week we celebrated Veterans Day and the students asked if I could post our poem that we used during morning work on the blog so they could sing it at home or to veterans that they know. Thank you to those who serve or have served our country to keep us safe!

See the Veteran
See the veteran,
See the veteran,
Oh so brave!
Oh so brave!
We thank you for your service!
We thank you for your service!
You're so strong. 
You're so strong. 
We remember,
We remember,
On this day
On this day
Fighting for our freedom
Fighting for our freedom
We thank you.
We thank you.
(found on Pinterest)

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