Friday, January 22, 2016

Newsletter 1/22/16

Wow! This week went by in the blink of an eye (#idiomfriday)! We have had so much fun this week and our brains are bursting with new knowledge. Grades close today and report cards will be coming home February 5th. Book orders were sent home today. If you would like to purchase books this month, please have your order submitted by February 15th! 
This week we focused on how authors write. We looked at special language and strategies we can use to help us understand what authors might mean when they use it! One example of special language is "The moon made his face into a silver mask." We looked carefully at the ways authors make their writing interesting and how their words can allow us to make pictures in our brains. We also started talking about idioms this week. We had so much fun talking about idioms and realizing that we hear them all the time around us! Watch out- if you use idioms this weekend, your child might call you out!!!
We are still working on fictional stories and it has been so amazing to see the thought that students are putting into these. We have been peer editing and the students are not hesitating to add to their stories in multiple ways. This is by far the most exciting part of our day!
Word Work
Many students will be repeating sorts this week. As sorts become more challenging, it is nice to take extra time and truly make sure we understand our rules. We will be using a new program called "SpellingCity" as a center during word work. This program is on the ipads and it is a fun interactive way to practice our sorts. I will be sending home information for your child to do it at home if they would like, as well!
We have been working on counting money and making change. The students loved cutting out different images of foods you may buy in a market and selling/paying for them as well as figuring out the cost and change.  Money can be a challenge for some students so if you have a chance to review money at home that would be fantastic. Even just seeing the different coins and bills more frequently will help! 
Dragonfly News
We received a letter form the Make A Wish Foundation this week, thanking us for our donation and letting us know that it helped a young girl! The students were so excited about this and it felt so nice to know that our generosity helped a child in need. We had our first Mystery Reader this week and the students LOVED it! We can't wait for our future readers! Have a great weekend!

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