Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Snow Learning Day Information

Hi Families! 

   In the event that we have a "Snow Learning Day" tomorrow, I wanted to let you know the specifics of that and what it means for 1D! The Superintendent will make the call if the weather permits it. If there are power outages that interfere with our technology use, Dr. Ryan will specify that and we weill go from a "Snow Learning Day" to a school cancellation. Here are the specifics of Snow Learning Days!

I wanted to follow up with you about our Snow Learning Day plan for this year. We  were told that when inclement weather takes place and has many people home (working family members, small children, school aged children, as well as teachers with similar situations) we are to adjust our day to a Snow Learning Day that is consistent with our SAU and what the rest of our school is doing. The idea is to make it a manageable day for all who are involved. With that being said, I wanted to lay out our day for you. We are required to have a morning meeting, one hour of interactive learning time, independent asynchronous work which includes related arts for that day, and an afternoon meeting. This means our day will adjust, but not by too much! If your child finishes their asynchronous work, I encourage you to have them get out in the snow and enjoy the beautiful perks of being a New Englander!  If you want to try and keep the day consistent for your child, I suggest you follow this schedule below. 


 Morning Meeting (Zoom)


 Class learning time (Zoom)


Asynchronous Work Begins (in any order)

-Related Arts Seesaw Activity

-Two class activities on Seesaw

-15 minutes of independent reading

-15 minutes of typing club

*lunch hour should be taken at any desired time*


Closing Meeting (Zoom)

I will be available by email during asynchronous work time if you have any questions!

Bitmoji Image

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