Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Important Dates for the End of the Year! 😲

Hi Everyone! As promised, here is the overwhelming list of dates for the end of the year! There are school wide events, as well as dates for our individual class. I thought this would be the best way to get them to you so you can prepare for the end of the year and get your calendars marked! As each event gets closer I will post about it in more detail, so make sure to check out our blog often during these months! I can't believe it's this time already- but here we go!!! 

Wed. May 9th- Wellness Walk: We will have an all-school wellness walk up Gifford Farm Road at 1:30 pm. While we'll be walking with our kindergarten reading buddies, you're welcome to join us as well! Just meet us at the front of the school in the bus loop around 1:25.

Fri. May 11th- Bike to School Day: Students can walk, bike, scooter, skateboard, or roller blade to school! Want to avoid riding on a busy road? Families are welcome to park at Stratham Hill Park and ride the trails from there! Please be sure to return the permission slip if your child is planning on participating (it makes dismissal time much easier!)

Fri. May 11th- PTO Parent's Night Out/Spring Social: This Vegas Night themed event is one to be remembered! Held at the Portsmouth Harbor Events & Conference Center, join fellow SMS parents for an evening of food, dance music, and casino games! Tickets can be purchased here.

Thurs. May 17th- MakerFest and Art Show: Everyone is welcome to join us for our annual MakerFest and Art Show in the Cafeteria from 5:30-7:00 pm. Projects can be brought in that morning by students or can be dropped off by parents after 1:30 pm. The MakerFest and Art Show will run through Friday morning.

Mon. May 21st- 2D Author's Tea: We would love for you to join us as we show off our writing from the year! We will start off by sharing some original poetry. Our class will also be showing YOU our learning journey in the area of writing. We will show you some of our earliest pieces of writing to some of our latest. The students will talk about their own author's craft and goals. Students will read some of their favorite pieces of writing to their guest. I understand this is an extremely busy time for families- if you know that a guest can't come to this event for your child please let me know so I can have an adult from the building join us! Thank you!

Wed. May 23rd- Early Release Day: students will be dismissed at 12:50 pm.

Fri. June 1st- Secret Celebration for Mr. Fosher: Our class is having a secret celebration for Mr. Fosher's retirement. Our class has a few special things planned for him. This celebration will be short but sweet! If you are interested in coming, you are welcome to! We will start our celebration at 9:00am.

Fri. June 1st- PTO 1-2-3 Fun Run: Teachers, parents, and students are welcome to run or walk 1,2, or 3 miles around SMS and Stratham Hill Park at 5:00 pm. Following the run, there will be a BBQ, Dunk Tank, Snow Cones, and a Dance Party!

Monday, June 4th- Grand Luncheon: Grandparents and friends of SMS students are invited to join us for our annual Grand Luncheon. The lunch schedule is TBD.

Tuesday, June 5th- Field Trip to Great Bay Discovery Center: We will be going on our annual field trip to Great Bay Discovery Center. We will arrive at Great Bay at 9:00 am to spend the morning there. There are no limit on chaperons for this trip, so if you're interested, you're welcome to join us! We ask chaperons to meet us at the Discovery Center on Depot Rd. This field trip happens rain or shine, so please dress appropriately (including sunscreen and bug spray). Good walking shoes are a must!

Wed. June 6th and Thurs. June 7th- "Can't Stop The Seedling" 2nd Grade Musical: Students will put on the dress rehearsal of our play during the school day on June 6th and will perform our play for families on June 7th starting at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria. Students should be dropped off in our classroom at 6:15 pm. More information will be coming home about the play over the next few days.

Friday, June 8th- Field Day: It's everyone's favorite day of the year! Students need to wear sneakers and may want to bring a change of clothes. The water games can leave them awfully wet!

Thurs., June 14th- End of Year Picnic at Stratham Hill Park: All second grade classrooms will be hiking through the trails from SMS to Stratham Hill Park for an end-of-the-year picnic and day of fun! We will arrive at the park around 10:00am and we will be leaving at 1:30pm. Our picnic and end-of-year "celebration" will be held from 12:00-1:00pm. Families and Friends are welcome to join us for any and all parts of the day!

Mon., June 18th- Last Day of School: It is bittersweet to send these wonderful children off to third grade. I'm incredibly sad to see them go, but know they are more than ready. Each child has made remarkable growth, not only academically, but also socially and emotionally. I'm so proud of the little people they are growing up and becoming! We will enjoy this last and final day together as a class.

Please let me know if you have ANY questions. More information will be provided for each event as we get closer.

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