Friday, June 2, 2017

Newsletter 6-2-17

Happy Friday Everyone!
We have officially made it to June! What a busy week. Thank you for coming to the Plant Play and making that night so memorable to the students. I hope you enjoyed watching them play their role of H2O. They worked so hard and it took such courage to get up and perform the way they did! I was a very proud teacher. As you know, we have a field trip on Monday morning. We will be leaving school at 8:45 so it is very important that students arrive on time. We will be arriving to Great Bay Discovery Center at 9:00am. If you are chaperoning, we will see you there at 9:00 for our fun filled morning! Please have your child wear sneakers for this day and dress accordingly to weather. Right now, the weather looks rainy! I am keeping my fingers crossed for a change! The Grand Luncheon is directly after our field trip. Lunch is at 12:15-12:50 and recess is at 12:50-1:10. There will be no activity in our classroom for grandparents before the lunch, as we will be rushing to get back from our field trip as it is! 
We continue to work in our series books and will explore a new series next week! Over the summer buy your dragonfly some sticky notes and encourage them to continue to take notes about their reading! We call them "stop and jots" and the students are so great at them. 
Persuasive writing is off to a fun start and we have convinced others to vist our favorite places and eat our favorite foods! We are working hard to stretch our words and use all of the rules we are still learning for our word work! 
It's all about fractions these days in 2D. The students have grasped this concept so well and are using the language with ease. We have been talking about equal parts, half, whole, and math phrases like one third and one fourth. We have seen a connection between fractions, arrays and multiplication. The students are so excited to be learning about fractions. It's been a fun way to kick off June!
Stratham Hill Park Day
All 2nd graders will be going to Stratham Hill Park on Monday, June 19th. This will be our big celebration to wrap up the year! If you would like to join us we will be heading to the park around 9:00 and coming back just in time for encore classes at 2:05. Students will need to pack a lunch from home on this day or order a bagged lunch from the cafeteria. If you would like to have your child order a bagged lunch, please email me and let me know! I will then read off the options to them and organize it for that day! :)

Have a safe and  happy weekend!

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